Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Companies taking the Christ out of Christmas!

I am a Christian, and it really upsets me that so many stores are willing to recognize other winter holidays such as Hanukkah (forgive me if that is spelled wrong) and Kwanzaa, but not Christmas. I know not everyone is Christian, and am not offended by those celebrating the above holidays, however most of the people I have spoken to that are not Christian, or know people who aren't Christian, say they and those they know are not offended by those saying "Merry Christmas."  So why is Christ being taken out of Christmas? Below are a list of companies who have chosen to do so.  Please take some time to let them know that this upsets you.  This list was given to me by a friend of mine, so if any links/emails don't work I apologize.

These companies have banned "Christmas" from their retail ads, in-store promotions or television commercials.

Please take time to let them know you are offended by their anti-Christian and anti-Christmas bias. Their contact information is below.

We cannot stress to strongly how important it is for you to be firm, yet very kind in your correspondence with these companies. Please be respectful and choose your words wisely.

In addition, companies marked with an asterisk* have gone so far as to substitute the phrase "Holiday or Dream trees" instead of "Christmas trees" in their promotions.


* Target (612) 304-6073 Guest.Relations@target.com


Click Here to read the AFA Press Release

In their official statement, Target said: “Over the course of the next few weeks, our advertising, marketing and merchandising will become more specific to the holiday that is approaching – referring directly to holidays like Christmas and Hanukkah. For example, you will see reference to Christmas in select television commercials, circulars and in-store signage."

Original Target Issue Concern:

Target refuses to use the word "Christmas" in any of their corporate advertising. Their latest 36-page ad insert did use the phrase "holiday" 31 times. In addition, Target has banned the Salvation Army bell ringers from their stores, but opted to sell items online for customers to donate to the Salvation Army. Ironically, Target doesn't give a single cent to them, but profits from your purchase. They also charge you to ship the item to the Salvation Army.

Nordstrom (206) 628-2111 President Blake W. Nordstrom contact@nordstrom.com

On their "holiday shipping" section of the website, they only refer to "December 25." Their catalogs do not mention the word "Christmas." Mr. Nordstrom says he welcomes your comments.

* Sears (847) 286-2500 nationalcustomerservice@sears.com

Sears, owned by Kmart, is advertising "Holiday" trees on page seven of their circular. It also was noticeably absent of the word "Christmas." UPDATE: Sears has confirmed that it now displays a sign reading "Merry Christmas" at the entrance to its stores nationwide.

Walgreens (847) 940-2500 President Jeffery Rien -Jeff.Rein@walgreens.com

Because of your efforts, Walgreens has released the following response in 2006: "Next year (2007), you can be assured our advertising will better incorporate 'Christmas,' and our holiday trees will be called Christmas trees. Unfortunately, all of this year’s December ads are already printed, so it's too late to make changes for this season."
(Just for the record, I (Tracey) looked at their online ad for this week- all the Christmas-themed items say "holiday" socks or "holiday" gloves- the only reference to Christmas I found was for Christmas pencils!)
Lowe's (800) 445-6937

We are pleased to update you about Lowe’s sale of Christmas trees. Lowe’s informed the AFA that it is removing banners referring to “holiday trees” from its stores (the actual product signs inside Lowe’s stores did say Christmas trees, but the outside banner did not). Lowe’s says it has proudly sold Christmas trees in its stores for decades, and continues to do so this year in all of its stores nationwide. All 49 varieties of live and artificial trees at Lowe’s and on Lowes.com are labeled as Christmas trees.

Lowe’s assures AFA that the language on the banner was a mistake, and was not in any way an attempt to remove Christmas from the season.

We applaud Lowe’s for listening to its customers and responding to their concerns. Just as we alerted Lowe’s to our concerns, now let’s show them our support by sending thank you emails and shopping in their stores.

Office Max (877) 484-3629 williambonner@officemax.com

Office Max offers no "Christmas" in their advertising.

Kmart (800) 635-6278 kmartccn@kmart.com

Kmart promotes a "Holiday Sale" on their website. Links to the trees webpage asks if you "Need it by Christmas," but refers you to its "Holiday Shipping Dates" section.

Staples (800) 378-2753 experts@orders.staples.com

In searching for "Christmas" on their website, results show only three matches. Staples ads avoid using "Christmas."
Best Buy (888) 237-8289 dick.schulze@bestbuy.com

Best Buy offers no "Christmas" in their advertising.

Kohl's UPDATE: Kohl's has provided AFA with a corporate statement. They dispute the charge made on The O'Reilly Factor and provided a letter stating they "would use the word 'Christmas' in some of our advertising." AFA is pleased to let you know that this in, in fact, the case. Kohl's asks us to inform you of their plans to incorporate "Christmas" in future advertising. We appreciate Kohl's listening to their customers concerns and responding in kind.


These companies have banned "Christmas" from their television commercials. In a review of commercials aired on prime-time broadcast network, these companies clearly marketed their ads to Christmas shoppers without using the word "Christmas."

In a total of 116 commercials, only 11 (9%) included the word "Christmas" in the ad.

SC Johnson

Therese Van Ryne Public Relations Manager



L.L. Bean




David H. Sternblitz, Vice President




Julian C. Day, President and Chief Executive Officer



Outback Steakhouse

Emails to Outback are being rejected with the message, "Your message was deleted without being read." You may wish to make a personal call.

Stephanie Amberg, Director of public relations stephanieamberg@outback.com


Chris T. Sullivan Chairman of the Board chrissullivan@outback.com

A. William Allen, III Chief Executive Officer billallen@outback.com

Benjamin P. Novello President, Outback Steakhouse bennovello@outback.com




Old Navy



Old Navy is proud of their anti-Christmas stance, simply referring to the "holiday" (Christmas) as nothing more than a tradition.




Best Buy

Susan Busch Director, Corporate Public Relations


612-292-4000, ext 4


Stephen M. Carter, Chief Executive Officer


Reckitt Benckiser

Tom Corran, SVP IR and corporate communications



973 404 2600

Pier 1

Merianne Kimmel Roth, Senior PR Manager



Red Lobster

Darden Media Relations dardeninfo@darden.com

Joe R. Lee, Chairman & CEO jlee@darden.com


Office Depot

Bruce Nelson Chairman & Chief Executive Officer




James (Jim) M. Kilts Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President


John F. Manfredi SVP Corporate Affairs




Laurie, Ellison, Executive Director of Communications



Burlington Coat

Monroe G. Milstein – Chairman, President, and CEO


Phone: 609-387-7800





Gail Carvelli Media Relations Manager


401) 431-8697


Carolyn NC said...

Yes, it's ridiculous the lengths companies will go to for political correctness - where did common sense go? Thanks for all the info!

Anonymous said...

I applaud you for sharing this with us. This is need to know information for me. Any company that excludes Christ, excludes me and my $$$. Thank you and God Bless!


Sharlotte said...

Hi Tracey! I owe you an email, I'm so sorry! Anyway, I know how you feel. As far as Target goes, we chose many years ago not to shop there because of the rejection of The Salvation Army.I rarely shop at some of the other stores you listed to. You'd think that with today's economy that they would think twice about how the majority feels.Here locally,I have noticed more stores saying "Merry Christimas" that had previously said "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings". It's going to be a slow change I think and unfortunately, probably not much of one. We just have to stick to our values.

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

I totally agree and applaud your information here for others to know about. I have noticed some but not really all those you listed, now that you have, I don't remember Christmas word being used either. I think it's a crying shame.
This goes along with the news of Obama trying to take prayer out of the miltary and schools. It's crazy.

Feathers in the Nest

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

By the way, I'm a nurse practitioner in a private practice. I work with alot who say Happy Holidays I guess for the same reason. Just want you to know I have been and will always say Merry Christmas to my patients through the season.

Anonymous said...

Tracey, thank you for your stand and all the info. I had no idea it had gotten so out of hand. I don't shop in almost any of the places you mentioned and the ones that I do, it seems are trying to change their policy. Maybe we have been pushed aside because we remained silent too long? Thank you for reminding us of our position as Christians.
babs in alabama

Parsley said...

How is it that in a nation, founded by people with Christian beliefs, can suddenly pretend we are no longer a Christian nation just because some don't have those beliefs?

I know there are a lot of people who have NO spirituality or religion. Is it these that are offended? Do they get Christmas presents even though they aren't Christians?

How would I feel if I were in another country, let's say Israel, and they wished me a Happy Hanukkah? I wouldn't be upset at all!

I'm not sure why stores think it would offend but the minority that would be upset, rule the majority. Sad sign of our times.

tkdquintmom said...

I think that this country sometimes 'bows' to those to keep them happy. This is one incident. It's a shame. I wish people a Happy Christmas or a Merry Christmas...not Happy Holidays. :)

Micki said...

I think that is just to acknowledge that there are many religions in America, so the term "holiday" refers to all of them. I am totally for that, as we need to recognize that all Americans no matter what religion they follow, or even Atheists need to be recognized equally.
Glad to see that America is finally recognizing that.
Thanks for the post!

Joanie said...

This is how I feel. If a company has taken Christ out of Christmas, then I am not spending my $$ there. Thanks for the list.

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